This Sunday is as good as it gets. “It’s tulip season again, and I’m oh so happy.”
Last week we had a bit of blackwater fever—much ado about something related to that murky paramilitary organization which operates a training facility for police SWAT teams deep in the undercover bowels of the Upper Left Hand Corner.
My instructions were not to spend too much time on the bicycle, as grandsons Luca and Massimo were in town. So, I decided to encircle the Blackwater Camp along a lovely hilly 25 mile loop which I will christen the “Twenty,” because the last and best climb is just past the 20 mile mark.
We start at the church just north of the Ville de Loran and head south through the Val de Loran then up a big hill towards Mount Carroll. At Meyers Road, we’ll turn north, and roll easily. The crabapple, tulip, and redbud trees pop out red, pink, and purple blossoms as we head over secluded hills and valleys past Skunk Hollow Road leading up to the training center. Why don’t they call it Skunk Hollow Camp and hang a set of whitetail horns over the entrance?
After a spectacular series of hills n dales, Meyers Road intersects with Route 78 which runs between Mount Carroll and Stockton. We turn right and head down a long hill into Heavenly Valley for about a mile where East Loran Road turns east up a nice gradual incline towards the “Twenty.”
Just past the 20 mile mark, the hill kicks up to around 20%-- well maybe 17%? I’ve learned not to place too much stock in my GPS when it comes to gauging the incline of these hills, but my legs felt like it was indeed “Twenty.” So that's where we'll leave it.
So after an hour and three quarters, we’re back in the Blazer and heading home to wrestle with Luca and Massi.